European Cultur

            Last year we have a guest from other Continent, she is Ms. Asnate. Her nickname is Nate. She is from a beautiful country named Latvia, in Northern Europe. Her age is about 23, and she is a nice person.
            She come for explain to us what’s is the difference between Indonesia and Europe. She explain many things. Example about the seasons, about the social life, clothes, foods, and many more. She also tell us about the buildings and the art in her country, Latvia. Ms. Asnate told us that in Latvia, they have winter almost six month in one year. And she said that in northern Europe and southern Europe, the seasons are different. In northern Europe, the winter is very long, and in the southern Europe, the winter is just counted by days.
            In the disscusion, we see that the Europian culture is different than Indonesian culture. Even the different is not really big, there are many culture that doesn’t same with Indonesia. Altough, there’s still cultures that same with in Indonesia. Example, we shakin’ hand if we meet, and they’re too. So, the Europian and Indonesian culture is different but still have the same culture. That’s the summary of the disscusion.
            We learned that Europian culture and Indonesian culture is different but still there’s the same. The cultures of both also has the different unique food, or unique dance. We also learned that diversity are in everywhere. So, we must respect to other cultural wherever we are.
            From the CCU class, I have very mush benefit that can use in our daily life. Especially if we go to other countries, or meet new people from far away countries like Latvia, or others. We also can speak English much better than before cause we practice with the people from other countries, and we know much about other countries. We have new friends too. That’s all that I can tell. Thank you.

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